Buenos Aires born, crecteniendo passion for drawing in school studying Quinquela Don Martin Faber Castell getting the award while attending my last year of primary school. Vocasin that remains to this day, after finishing my studies of graphic designer where I started working in advertising agencies, boutique creative, production and graphics, both full time as a freelance, I parallel workshops on human figure drawing in stimulation of Fine Arts. AFTER being art director engages in the illustration, by (illustrator) works for graphics, and illustration of books vapblica etc. Using various techniques, including digital art, from three years ago he ventured into a frame technique itself modeled using polystyrene as raw material, which I get to oversee the ministry of culture permitindome be licensee as a craftsman, using this technique I can express an idea that is reinforced by through relief, color, and texture. Based on a slide experience in visual communication intend to continue to evolve in the expression of a feeling.